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Saturday 31 May 2014

Aaru’s Awakening: A Game Of Body And Soul Teleporting To PS4, PS3 This Summer

Aaru’s Awakening, Beam Me Up Scotty!

May 31st, 2014 By Maya Mayfield


Aaru's Awakening began as a humble school project at the University of  Reykjavík, says Johann Ingi Gudjonsson's Marketing Director at Lumenox ehf. With the industry packed full of so many platform style games the development team wanted to create something fresh and innovative to present to players. Inspired by the teleportation system in Unreal Tournament, Lumenox ehf came up with Aaru's Awakening.

From a simple school project to winning the Icelandic Gaming Industry Game Creator competition, Lumenox ehf new they had developed something truly special. Using the winning funds to create their company around the game, the team went to work adding other elements like the charging mechanic that would later operate as the double jump feature.  To make Aaru's Awakening as unique as possible Lumenox ehf  decided to also have the game completely drawn by hand.

The Teleportation mechanic which is literally the body and soul of the game works by shooting the main character's soul out of his body by pressing R1 and once the soul has reached a new destination point, you can then teleport the body to that location by pressing R2.

Aaru’s Awakening will be available on both the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 simultaneously this Summer so stay tuned for more updates on that.

Our Thoughts . . .

We like the idea and concept behind Aaru's Awakeing and from the initial trailer released by the Studio, we think it is going be the type of game that will require fast reflexes and quick thinking to survive as you teleport your body and soul from one point to another. The hand drawn element also adds a nice look and individual feel to the game, reminding us of titles like Child of Light.


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