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Monday 23 September 2013

Hands-on Review with PS Vita TV at TGS 2013

We Got Our Hands-on PS Vita TV, Here's What We Discovered. TGS 2013

By Maya Mayfield
23rd September 2013


At Tokyo game show we were able to get our  hands-on Sony's new tech PSVita TV. Vita TV is small and sleek, its ergonomic design makes it quick and easy to pick up and install.  It can be used to view Vita games on the big-screen and the wifi connection allows for PS4 Remotely Play in other locations around the home, minus the PS4 console.

During the demo, Vita TV operated smoothly on the big screen connected to three new PS Vitas. We had a run through on the popular multiplayer title Soul Sacrifice.  The overall look, feel, and gameplay of Soul Sacrifice on the bigger screen was quite a pleasant surprise, even when playing with the DualShock 3 controller.

The Playstation 4 Remote Play operation on Vita TV worked better than we expected during our demonstration of Knack, which played smoothly without any connection drawback.

Overall we thought Vita TV looked very promising and reasonably priced at $100 dollars, and will work perfectly as a media extension for the home.

Vita TV has only been announced for South Korea, Japan and the Chinese market for now, but we are sure Sony will release dates for Europe and the United States very soon. Make sure to bookmark us and stay up-to-date on all PS4 breaking news and info.

Are you excited about Vita TV? talk to us, let us know.

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