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Friday 22 November 2013

Tiny Brains On PS4 Coming 3rd December

Tiny Brains On Playstation 4 Coming 3rd December

November 22nd 2013, by Maya Mayfield

Simon Darveau  the Co-Founder of Spearhead Games has revealed the brand new trailer of Tiny Brains coming to PS4 11th of December 2013. In a quick brief introduction Simon describes what inspired him and his team in creating Tiny Brains and the amount of time it took them to build the game on the next-gen platform.

Tiny Brains puts you in control of four tiny lab animals, a mouse, a hamster, a rabbit and a bat. Each of these tiny animals have been experimented on so much that they have evolved with some pretty cool psychic abilities. The rabbit can use electric charge to generate his big floppy ears and pull objects towards him; The Bat can channel his voice to force-push an object away from him Jedi style, The mouse can swap positions with other objects and the hamster can create a solid chunk of ice from thin air.

Each unique ability will come in handy as you attempt to overcome the puzzles ahead of you, but you must use all four animals as no one power can solve the puzzle alone.
Check out the new trailer above and make sure to pick up a copy of Tiny brains on the December 11 2013


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