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Tuesday 3 December 2013

'Call Of Duty: Ghosts' Space Fighting Super Soldiers Review

'Call Of Duty: Ghosts' Brings Gun Fighting To Space 

 November 3rd, 2013 By Maya Mayfield


Infinity Ward have never held back when it comes to over the top cinematic action movie sequences in their Call of Duty Series, so I at least knew what to expect from this over the top, shoot-em-up when it landed on my desk.From the open cut scenes right to the end credits, Call of Duty did not disappoint in this regard, and I think this is Infinity Wards wildest story to date.

You will be on the edge of your seat the whole time, from fighting in space to trying to prevent the United States from utter annihilation at the hands of a merciless Federation. The single campaign mode is breath taking, in one scene we found ourselves in a gun fight on a speeding train, that reminded us of something out of the recent James Bond movie. At times you could almost think you are watching the latest blockbuster than playing a game as Call of Duty: Ghosts does blend the action sequence and gameplay seamlessly well.

We will begin with the Solo Campaign, if you haven't played the game yet we warn you ahead of time that there are some spoilers below, so skip this section if you want. Fans of previous  Call of Duty  games, will not be disapointed as the story plays out in the way you would generally expect. For those new to the franchise, or even those hoping for something different, you will not find it here. Regardless of the new branding, Call of Duty: Ghosts is pretty much developed using the same formula, that has brought its past titles Worldwide success. As the saying goes if its not broken don't fix it. From the story plot, we felt that Infinity Ward had taken inspiration from Treyarch in their attempt to create a more personal narrative, unlike other Modern Warfare Titles before.

The story in COD: Ghost doesn't quite live up to other previous titles in the same vein. It was very difficult to truly understand what the core fundamental motives were behind the main villain, a tyrannical leader of the Federation. As we played through the single campaign mode, the question we kept asking was why destroy major cities in the United states?  What did the Federation hope to gain from totally wiping out America from the face of the planet? The answer didn't seem very clear, as we pondered if it was merely for world domination? We couldn't see the economic benefits behind such a move, and in a way the Villain reminded us of the Joker from Batman Dark Knight 2008 movie, where The Joker had no real motives for wanting to destroy Gotham except to create and spread anarchy.

The new federation military of the South American Nations did come as a welcome change to the typical formulaic Chinese, Russians, or Arab villains overused in these type of games, but we would have liked to see more substance behind these new enemies, beyond their south american accents.
We never really felt outgunned by these new villains, despite the fact that the Federation had destroyed dozens of critical US locations, which in reality would cripple the entire nation. I guess the feeling of staring hopelessness in the face inspires a sense of digging  deep inside yourself to overpower your enemies against all odds. Unfortunately COD: Ghost didn't really inspire such a feeling as there were always lots of guns, arsenal, and remote control-dogs available to push back hordes of enemy soldiers.

Riding in Tanks and Helicopters to take out these powerful enemies were a lot of fun, but this only re-enforced what we mentioned earlier about America not really being in any real danger, despite the Federation destroying major key points in our communication and countries infrastructure.
Regardless of all the above, Call of Duty is incredibly fun to play. Infinity Ward never  designed this game to be over analysed, and if you can get beyond the why, when, who and how. You will truly find yourself immersed in what we can only call the best over the top action movie-esq game of the year.


Going beyond the flashy solo campaign gameplay to multiplayer mode is where you will get the most out of Call of Duty: Ghosts. Infinity Ward has added some great new changes, that we think most fans to the series will welcome with open arms.
First of all there are new maps that make the most of the terrain, from tight corridors to wide open spaces. You can now have the option to totally customise your soldiers, with the brand new designed perk system. You even have the option of female soldiers now, which comes as a welcome change to a game previously dominated by male only characters.

The multiplayer mode, plays as expected. The graphics are far better on the PS4 than previous versions, and the overall play feels fast and smooth. You now have new field orders to accomplish during matches, and completing these challenges will give you special rewards on success.  Infinity Ward has also included some destructible environments in certain maps, which we felt adds a positive change to the overall maps in multiplayer mode.

A $60 dollars a year subscription to COD: Ghosts will give you access to lots of  DLC, tons of guns, new game modes and new maps. You also get access to new squads mode, allowing you to play against the computer. PvP Squad battle mode, puts you in charge of your AI squad of bots against another Player and their AI squad of bots.

Players can now access clans, which has been directly integrated into the game, and gamers can access and control their clans via COD: Ghosts companion app available now on android and iOS.
You also have a new mode called extinction mode, a co-op alien destruction game that lets you choose 1 of 4 character classes that you can upgrade through the entire mode as you set out with your team mates to destroy nests of  alien.

Overall we thoroughly enjoyed the single player campaign even if it was at times over the top and somewhat unrealistic. Where the game truly does shine is in the multiplayer mode which is jam packed full of maps, and various co-op games that will keep you all very busy and entertained for hours on end. If you have enjoyed previous Call of Duty games in the past then we would recommend  getting COD: Ghosts, for those new to the genre expect a thrilling single play title that will have you glued to the front of your TV screen from start to finish.

This is a PS4 version review

Price: $59.99

Score: 4/5

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