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Tuesday 25 March 2014

Senso Motoric Prototype Lets You Play PS4 With your Eyes

Eye Control Your PS4 Games With New Prototype 

March 25th, 2014, by Maya Mayfield


GDC is usually where companies working on cutting edge technology reveal their prototypes and concepts to the industry. In todays special what's hot at the Games Development Conference 2014, Wired got an exclusive look at Magic Lab's nifty little device that lets you control your Playstation 4 games with nothing but your eyes. In a behind closes doors presentation at Magic Lab's booth, Wired were demonstrated just what the eye controlled prototype can do via PS4's console.

Tweaked with a special copy of Playstation 4's Exclusive inFAMOUS: Second Son game, demonstrators were able to look around the in-game world of Seattle by simply using their eyes. To aim or shoot a target will require players to focus on the target in order for Delsin to respond.

The eye-tracker prototype in its current development state is said to be, "Thin and yellow, slighter smaller than a Kinect camera that is positioned in front of the TV display. "

The possibilities for such a device in a world application opens up huge potentials and possibilities, we will be very interested to see where other game developers incorporate this technology into their creation process.  For more info on this eye tracking device you can visit SensoMotoricInstruments official website.

Source: Wired

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