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Thursday, 1 August 2013

Can PS4 Play PS3 Games

Sony Confirms, PS4 Will Not Play PS3 Game Discs

By Mont Brown
2nd August 2013

As we continue to move full steam ahead with the Playstation 4 which is set for a 2013 Holiday release date. We have so many gamers still asking if the PS4 can play PS3 Games. We can understand how attached some people will feel towards their PS3 consoles. Especially when you consider that it's been seven years since the Playstation 3 was launched in the Japanese market on the 10th of November 2006, followed by a United States release on the 17th of November 2006. As demand for the Playstation 4 continues to grow.

There are those who won't be rushing out just yet to spend $399 on the new console. From a recent online survey, we discovered that a lot of gamers are still very excited about the new releases coming to the Playstation 3, like Grand theft Auto V.

Those gamers are asking if they can still play those PS3 games on the playstation 4, when they do decide to upgrade. This question has also affected people wishing to wait for the Playstation 4 games to come out, rather than having to buy two versions of the same games.

Sony Japan president Hiroshi Kawano and Sony Worldwide president Shuhei Yoshida, said in a recent interview that although the PS4 is not backward compatible with the PS3, they have no plans of suddenly shifting from the PS3 to the PS4. Stating "PlayStation 3 will continue indefinitely."

This news does at least give hope to those who won't be joining the new generation of video gamers just yet, as developers will continue to make games for both the old and new platforms. Unfortunately when they do decide to upgrade to the Playstation 4. They won't be able to play their PS3 Game discs on the PS4 console.

Alternatively those who do wish to upgrade to the Playstation 4 will be able to download PS3 digital Games via Gaikai and Onlive cloud streaming networks, which can only be accessed when you sign up to Sony's  PS plus subscription.

Are you going to upgrade to the PS4, or are you going to wait a while and continue with the Playstation 3 this coming holiday?


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