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Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Developers can control how Playstation 4 games download

PS4 Gives Developers More Options on Their Game Downloads

by Maya Mayfield
6th August 2013


Evolution Studios Technical Director, Scott Kirkland has said that Playstation 4 developers will be able to control the way their games are downloaded. Developers will be able analyse and prioritise the most popular parts to download first, according to Kirkland.
Developers will be able to re-arrange and improve on how the digital copies of the games is downloaded, based on analysis.
The data they gather can help developers make sure that only the most-played features are instantly playable, while the rest of the game continues to download in the background.

Kirkland then gave an example using their upcoming game DriveClub.

He said, "We could see how large amounts of users are playing the racing game, and what cars and  race tracks are proving most popular amongst players. We can then use that information in our digital downloads and priorities what parts of DriveClub will start to download first. If from the information we gather, we recognise that a large majority of players are making choices we didn't anticipate, we could, immediately modify our default settings to accommodate that digital demand."

Scott Kirkland also said, that the same technique could also work on how information is pulled off Blu-ray discs, adding to a much better experience for players.
The PS4 will allow players to download their games in the background, or even access them as they are being installed.

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