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Saturday 8 February 2014

Call Of Duty: Ghosts Code of Conduct Sets Consequences For Offensive Language and Cheaters

Call Of Duty: Ghosts Code Of Conduct Policy, Cheaters Never Prosper 

February 8th, 2014, by Maya Mayfield


Infinity Ward has laid down some much need repercussions to deal with players who cheat and use offensive language. The new Call of Duty Ghosts code of conduct policy explains how the developer intends to respond to various disruptive behavior's during the game. Infinity Ward are taking an assertive approach to deal with users in the COD: Ghosts community who use offensive behavior.

The Code of Conduct mentions that any user found using derogatory aggressive, offensive, or racially motivated language will be subject to penalty.  The first offense will have the user temporarily banned from playing online from anywhere between 48 hrs to two weeks. If the user continues with this behavior, he or she can be temporarily banned again, with their stats being reset. They can also have their split-screen privileged removed and permanently blocked from showing up on the leaderboards.

Infinity Ward are reserving permanent bans for users caught with pirated copies of the game and those found modding or hacking the game for a competitive edge.

We gladly welcome this new Call of Duty: Ghosts code of conduct by Infinity Ward as it should at least, cause a few foul mouth gamers to think before they speak, or face the consequences of their potty mouth. You can find the new Call of Duty: Ghosts Code of Conduct policy on the game's official website here. 

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