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Tuesday 26 November 2013

Can PS4 Play PS3 Games? This is What Happens When You Insert A PS3 Game Disc In A PS4 System

Can PS4 Play PS3 Games? This is What Happens When You Put A Playstation 3 Game Disc In A Playstation 4 System

November 26, 2013 by Mont Brown

The question with PS4 being backward compatible with PS3 is still a hot topic on most gaming forums, most owners of Playstation 3 want to know if they will be able to play their cherished PS3 games on the new PS4 console.
Well you no longer need to wonder, as our friends at has taken away the guess work, with a little experiment of their own.
In their test, they took Mirror's Edge a PS3 game disc, and inserted it into the PS4 system and this is what popped up.


As you can see from the images above when you insert a Playstation 3 game into a Playstation 4 console it comes up as unsupported disc on the main menu, before it goes it another loading screen informing you that it cannot playstation3 format disc.

Rest assured as all is not lost for those wishing to upgrade to PS4 from PS3. Next year Gaikai and Onlive cloud streaming services will enable you to play PS3 digital games on on the playstation 4, so all the games you love on the older console can still be enjoyed on the new one.  You can read more about that by clicking Can PS4 Play PS3 Games HERE.

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