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Thursday 21 November 2013

Twitch on PS4: 7 Tips For New Twitch Broadcasters

Twitch on Playstation 4: 7 Tips For New Twitch Broadcasters

Nov 22nd 2013, by Mont Brown


Twitch Content Director Jon Carnage has revealed 7 crucial tips to new broadcasters wishing to stand out from the 45 million growing Twitch community. It has been a week since Playstation 4 launched with Twitch broadcasting functionality, and the feed back from new broadcasters have been incredibly positive.

So for all you first timers to Twitch, Jon has kindly laid out seven things to help guide you to becoming a master broadcaster in no time.

1) Be a curator of conversations: Inspire conversations with your viewers and talk about everything, focus on other topics beyond games, like pop culture, movies, sports, and favourite books. By doing this you can truly connect with members on your channel at a far more deeper and engaging level.

2) Go live and stay longer than 1 hour: It's not unusual to discover that Twitch curators can stream for hours, so find what works best for you.

3) Find a genre and stick to it: Don't feel the need to be the Jack of all games when creating your channel. Focus on what you are really good at, be it platforming, racing or shooters.  It can be challenging at first to maintain conversations with your audience while gaming but keep at it and you will be owning it like a boss soon enough.

4) Have a regular broadcasting schedule: Like every popular TV show, you will want to create a regular broadcasting schedule and  post your times and dates everywhere so the community can be informed of your shows and turn up to watch you play.

5) Try always having a camera and mic on: People want to watch you and listen to you, so make sure you give your audience want they want and this should help increase interest to your page and of course your viewership.

6) Get involved with the Twitch Universe:  Becoming a well known broadcaster takes team work, so make sure you are joining other peoples channels and sharing common interests which will help you gain more crossover viewers to your channel.

7) Be Authentic: The more you be yourself the more other will relate to you and want to connect with you. Most importantly just have fun regardless of how many members you gain in Twitch.

We hope theses 7 tips from Jon comes in handy as you begin your journey to broadcasting success.
You can also check out their PS4 directory and the new store.

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