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Friday 9 May 2014

Introducing VizionEck For PS4: A Different Kind Of FPS

VizionEck For PlayStation 4 Coming Soon  

May 9, 2014 By Maya Mayfield


Michael Armbrust Founder and Lead Developer at VizionEck has announced their new game by the same title, 'VizionEck' today.  VizionEck is a first person shooter with a difference, you play as a Ranger-which is essentially just a cube. VizionEck's artistic style focuses on a clean simple interface that is both elegant and clever in design. The game was developed with a strict set of rules that enables it to be mathematically perfect 99% of the time, says lead developer Michael Armbrust.

This Mathematical algorithm creates an interesting gameplay environment, for example as a Ranger your health meter is displayed as the brightness of your outlines. When it's showing as solid white it mean you are on full health, as you take damage it begins to fade black indicating your imminent death. Every single shot from an enemy fire will mark your white outline with a black mark, the advantage with this is the more damage you receive the harder it will be for enemies to see your outlines, giving you an almost invisible black cube to play with. The more tactical thinking gamers can certainly use this knowledge in their  strategic playbook as an advantage to sneak up to unsuspecting players for a stealth kill.  

Another feature in VizionEck's interesting environment is the spawn room. There are twenty-four blocks in the spawn room, but not all of them are Rangers, explains Michael. By simply not moving you can hide in plain view. Other players will not know if you are a block or a ranger. When enemies shoot the wrong block, they are temporally vulnerable to a counterattack.

There are other secret game-play elements yet to be discovered in the new trailer, if you think you have figured something out, leave us a comment and let us know what it is.

Our Thoughts . . . 

VizionEck sounds like a lot of fun with a unique twist to the standard FPS genres, however it may not be to everyone's taste based on its simple black and white visuals and style of play. What we think is very interesting is VizionEck's tactical elements with so much more hidden secrets to be discovered from this mysterious title in future updates. You can also discover more for yourself by following the VizionEck team @VizionEck and



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