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Monday 16 June 2014

Dead Island 2 Coming To PS4: Zombies Attack California

Dead Island 2 Exclusive Beta Coming Soon To PlayStation 4  

June 16th, 2014 By Dean Howard


One of the coolest trailers we saw at this years E3 2014 conference was Deep Silver's Dead Island 2 coming soon to PlayStation 4. Creative producer Jan-Eric Lauble told us the team at Deep Silver began working on a sequel right after the release of the original Dead Island, with a focus on taking the open world four-player zombie combat smash to a whole new level.

After the first Zombie outbreak on Banoi in Dead Island, the world has eventually moved on, People are now aware of Zombies and everyone feels safe and prepared. Major corporations are making an absolute fortune selling vaccines and Zombie survival kit and people think the terrible disaster that occurred on a small island in the middle of nowhere could never affect them. . . WRONG!

Suddenly without warning the first string of outbreaks begin to occur in California and the US government quarantines the infected area by building a great huge wall around the infected area - branding California a no go zone.

Dead Island 2 will take players on an epic wild Zombie crushing adventure in sunny California as you become the ultimate super hero of the apocalypse. You will explore a dynamic, bright and gorgeous open world, where you and your buddies get to battle endless hordes of zombies with your very own handcrafted killing machines.

Dead Island 2 boasts a brand new combat system built from the ground up, utilizing a much more visceral experience and control, handy for the many types of challenges and new enemies you are going to face. Dead Island 2 also features an exciting new seamless social multiplayer experience allowing you and up-to 8 players to share the fun of survival in the dynamic open world.

Deep Silver promise more details soon with exclusive Beta and content on its way. In the meanwhile check out the latest Dead Island 2 trailer from this years E3 and tell us what you think.


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