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Wednesday 18 June 2014

Ubisoft Share E3 2014 Experience With Wrap Up Trailer

E3 2014: Power Changes Everything 

June 18th, 2014 By Maya Mayfield


The E3 2014 hype is slowly winding down, but with so many awesome games revealed this year, there really isn't any words to sum up all the great titles we saw and experienced at the conference. We will be doing recap's on some of the biggest titles announced as well as a few of our personal favorites in the next few days, so make sure you stay tuned for that.

In the meantime, check out Ubisoft's latest E3 2014 Wrap Up trailer which pretty much sums up our overall experience of E3 2014.

Did you go to E3? What did you enjoy most about the event?  Leave us you thoughts and comments below.

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