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Thursday 24 July 2014

Destiny Beta: Hunter Is The Silent King Of Destiny's Jungle And My Top Pick

Hunter's Shoot First And Ask Questions Later, Ignore Them At Your Peril

July 24th, 2014 By Dean Howard

When You Have To Shoot . . . Shoot! Don't Talk

We hope you have all been enjoying playing Destiny Beta so far? As you may or may not know, the team at have been comparing notes about our individual online Beta experiences in order to decide which character class is the best of the best in Destiny's Universe. Incredibly this decision has split the team 3 ways in the opinion poll as deciding a clear winner is not as easy as we thought, especially after playing Destiny Beta the entire week. Each character class does have their own unique powers that over time can be leveled beyond Bungie's beta cap but, as others choose Titan and Warlock as their favorites, this is why I think ignoring Hunter is a big mistake.

1) The History of Destiny's Hunter Class

Known as the masters of the frontier, Hunters are the wild cards of the 3 classes. Their strength, speed and agility is somewhere in-between the Titan and Warlock making them well rounded warriors. The Hunters enjoy the thrill of risk taking, pushing beyond the limits for greater rewards and notoriety. They are no longer outlaws of society but don't expect a Hunter to play by the rules in a fair fight.

Hunters were inspired by characters like Star Wars Boba Fett, whose silent demeanor and deadly weapons made him the most feared bounty hunter in the entire galaxy. Through manipulating the Travelers energies, Hunters have discovered new ways to survive the wild wastelands. This primal heritage has taught the Hunters to manipulate the rules to suit them, surviving in regions most would never dare to venture. Experts scouts, Hunters will go deep beyond enemy lines to survey and relay sensitive intel back to the Tower.

 2) Hunter's Are Destiny's Best Assassin's

Hunters can be noticed by their signature hooded cloaks, slender athletic builds, and lightly armored outfits. Just like the other two classes known for their unique helmets, chest, arm, and leg armor, Hunters also have a special 5th armor that enables their cloak to turn them invisible, making them the perfect warriors to use when deep behind enemy territory. Hunter's primary weapons of choice are high powered sniper rifles,  but they are also very handy with a unique utility blade, also known as the Hunter knife for stealth melee takedowns.  Hunter can dish out high levels of attack from both long, short and medium range, making them the ultimate Assassin's in Destiny's Universe.

3) Hunter's Are Destiny's Best Kept Secret

Like the rogues of so many role playing games, hunters use their stealth and accuracy to damaging results. The Hunter's 1st subclass is the gunslinger which enables a temporary increase to your weapon's damage. This ability can be upgraded allowing enemies to blow-up on impact. Unlike standard melee attacks, like the Titan's powerful sucker punch. Hunter's gunslingers have throwing knives, which when upgraded can make enemies catch on fire.

At level fifteen, hunters unlock their other subclass, the bladedancer. The blade dancer's super ability is arc blade, a very dangerous lightning attack. It can be upgraded  to increase its damaging radius or, unleash a powerful wave of energy, or make you invisible. Bladedancers melee is the blink strike, which has a far greater range than other melee attacks. This can be upgraded to increase damage when striking enemies from behind, or make you disappear in a blink of an eye.


You can also find out why Maya Mayfield prefers, Titan by clicking HERE and why Mont Brown prefers Warlock by clicking HERE. What is your warrior of choice on Destiny, The Titan, Warlock or Hunter? Leave your thoughts and comments below.

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