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Wednesday 2 July 2014

How Much Is Your PSN User ID Name Worth Changing?

How Much Would You Pay To Change Your PSN User ID

July 2nd, 2014 By Maya Mayfield


In todays discussion we would like to address an issue a lot of you have been requesting for Sony to update for a very long time, and that is the Ability To Change User ID.  In an attempt to improve PlayStation's overall user experience. Sony created a discussion board, where members can share ideas on issues they would like fixed. Out of the thousands of request shared by the community. The number one most requested idea was the Ability to Change PSN User ID for $5 dollars.

This request received such a staggering response, that over 22,000 members up voted it, making it the most popular request on the site. Now if we simply crunch some numbers and presume those 22,000 people who up voted this request are willing to pay for the opportunity to change their PSN User ID for 5 dollars, then Sony could potentially stand to make over a $110,000 dollars off those up voters alone.

Say My Name, Same My Name.

A person's name defines them, it is the very first impression and the last thing remembered about a persons legacy. Though most people's user ID's are not birth names, it does however still define you to the social network and the world at large.

During our research about this subject, we came to discover one of the major reasons people want to change their User ID's is simply because that name no longer represents who they are, or how they wish other gamers to view them online. As explained by PSN user "MunkyKnuts."   For others a new PSN User ID name change will save them countless embarrassing moments online, as they socially interact with other gamers on PlayStation's Network. This need for a name change is especially desired now more than ever, with developers like Evolution Studios (DriveClub) and Bungie (Destiny) making games that are more geared towards online social interactions.

As a new generation of younger gamers appear on the network, we think older gamers would prefer avoiding those slightly immature players, as nothing screams childish louder than a name like Manboobs, or Sweat_from_a_baboons_balls.

Alternatively, you could just get a new name, or have your real name assigned to your online profile along with your User ID on the PS4. However for many PlayStation users who'd prefer anonymity and who have accumulated years of unlocked achievements and trophies assigned to their ID's, this simply is not an option. The fact that this is such a big issue for many gamers is enough reason for Sony to take it seriously. We hope by keeping the discussion open and talking about it, we will see this issue being resolved in a future firmware update.


To round up this topic, we compiled a list of some the funniest names we could find on PSN. Let us know if any of these names belong to you.

  •  Im_OnFoodstamps
  • Welfare_mom
  • johnnypoopiepants
  • LOLYourAdopted
  •  GotYoMomOnALeash
  • PattyMeGroin
  • I-like-turtles
  • OptimusPrimeRib
  • papa_stiffy 
  • Dirty-Wetback 
  • ristactionjakson
  • TheGuyBelowMeIsGay
  •  Lubemypoopchute

What is your PSN User ID name? Tell us the funniest names you have discovered while playing online.  Microsoft for example charge $9.99 to change gamer tags. If Sony were to do the same how much would you be willing to pay to have your User ID changed?

Leave us your thoughts and comments below.

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