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Saturday 12 July 2014

Sony Loves Devs, But PS4 Gamers Hate Indie

Oh God! Not Another PS4 Indie Game

July 11th, 2014 By Dean Howard


Picture the scenario. You have seen eye watering, jaw dropping trailers and video demos from events like E3, and Gamescom leading up to the launch of the PlayStation 4. You have gotten excited over the greatness await campaigns, saving up your hard earned pocket money, even trading your good ole PS3 to buy the next leap in gaming technology. 

You eagerly take it home, quickly skimming over the manual before setting it up on your 60 inch HD Sony Bravia. You go online looking for what else to play beyond the major limited AAA titles on offer and all you get is a bunch of crappy looking Atari rehashed indies. 

As funny as this sounds, this is exactly the types of complaints some PlayStation community members have been expressing as the indies just keep on coming. In a recent article we published, even Sony admits they only make money out of 4 of the 10 indie titles published on their network, but vows to continue supporting developers, which is great news for young upstarts but not so much for gamers looking for more bang for their buck.

Apart from a few exceptions like Resogun, Doki-Doki Universe, Fez, Outlast and Transistor. There aren't many indie games being showed much love, as we discovered on PlayStation's Top 20 best selling PS4 games list. In fact the only reason some indie games even made the list was due to lack of choice. We are 4 month away from PS4's first full year cycle and major publishers are starting to reveal flashier blockbuster worthy games, but with the lack of originality from these supposedly better titles, I wonder if Indie developers are being giving a fair shake. 

Sony-Loves-Devs-But-PS4-Owners-Hate-Indies-PS4-GamesIn all Honestly we love indie titles, they spark a sense of nostalgia, originality and creativity most major publishers just can't match, even with great graphics. Shuhei Yoshida, Sony's President hit the nail on the head when he said, "For every 10 indie games on PlayStation, there are at least 4 amazing gems that make the overall investment worth it in the end," and we most certainly can agree with that.

Are you fed up of indie titles on PlayStation 4? What is the best Indie game you have played on PS4 so far? Leave us your thoughts and comments below.

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