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Monday 28 July 2014

Destiny Beta: Your Best And Worst Experiences?

Destiny Beta: User Feedback, Tell Us Your Best And Worst Experiences So Far

July 29th, 2014 By Dean Howard 


As we come back to Earth from the intergalactic high of Bungie's Destiny Universe. We take a look back at the entire week in outer-space to discuss our best and worst experiences playing the Beta and what we hope Bungie will improve once the full version launches this 9th of september.

Destiny Alpha To Beta

Destiny's Beta added the missing loop holes from the Alpha release including a new story mission set in an old Russian facility, beyond that both the Alpha and Beta were relatively the same.  Bungie did not raise the level cap, so we are yet to really experience how each character class handles and evolves beyond level 8, or how higher powered armor and weapons will affect your character and enemies in the future.

The Best Of Destiny Beta

We really enjoyed how the aiming and firing mechanics worked in the Alpha, but did notice a slight improvement to the trigger's reaction and responsive times in the Beta. Powerful weapon's like the Shingen-C and the Cydonia AR3 felt meaty, with realistic sound effects when firing multiple rounds.  Another noticeable difference between Destiny Alpha and Destiny Beta was the voice of your AI ghost companion, performed by Peter Dinklage from Games Of Thrones. Peters new and improved AI voiceover from the Alpha version to Beta did help to further create a deeper sense of sensory immersion within the futuristic Universe, making us feel like we were going on a real Jedi's adventure with our very own flying C-3PO.

Visually we really like what we saw from Destiny's Beta, from the character design, weapons, armor, environments and that amazing sky! The limited timed moon exploration event was great, though we wished we had seen more of the level during the story mission.  All of this combined with an incredible musical score made our space adventure exhilarating.

The Worst of Destiny Beta

After roughly what has been over 100 hours of gameplay, our first major concern has to be the disjointed story plot. Destiny Beta's intro is supposedly meant to be the beginning of the game, but very little is still known of the Giant space orb, The Traveler whose knowledge and power has helped us evolve to fight back The Darkness, a mystic force powering the Fallen and Hive.
Although the games new cutscenes in Destiny Beta does help to shed a bit of light on exactly what is going on, we suspect the full version will most likely breaks down this mystery further.

Another major concern is the lack of maps in what is a massive open world explorer. The idea of traversing the unknown to see where you end up does sound great in theory but can get quite frustrating when searching for a reference point or trying to remember a particular area you once visited. The length of time it took to also kill some enemies and that dreaded Spider Tank was a tad bit longer than we liked, but once the level cap is lifted it should even up the playing field a lot more.

10 minutes in . . . Oh please just die already!

To Infinite and Beyond

There's nothing left to do but wait and see what the final release has to offer this September 9th, when many unanswered questions will no doubt be answered. We really hope Destiny does live up to the massive potential we've witnessed from the Beta and we are looking forward to seeing you all in the Universe in just over a month and a half's time.

What has been your best and worst experience playing Destiny's Beta? Leave us your comments below.

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