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Wednesday 20 August 2014

How New PS4 2.0 Update Could Make You Rich

The Early Bird Gets The Worm, The Bread Crumbs, and Cash In Their Pocket

August 20th, 2014 By Dean Howard


During PS4's announcement at E3 last year, Sony talked of a ground breaking concept that will radically change the way we play video games forever. At the time so many information and rumors were in circulation that it wasn't very clear which direction Sony was going with its next generation powerhouse. Since then a lot has come to light with one particular announcement at this years Gamescom14 having the  potential of putting money in your pocket for a change. 

Buying video games can be an expensive habit with most AAA games costing as much as $60 dollars. Sony have been working with developers and publishers to make games much more affordable by providing top notch digital services like PlayStation Plus and the recent PlayStation Now. These services will allow players to rent or even play games for free at a subscription cost as low as $50 dollars for the entire year. 

Now we have been closely watching the success of broadcasters on TwitchTV and seen many passionate gamers who can now afford to broadcast their video games full-time to hundreds and thousands of loyal fans on a daily basis. What makes Twitch great is that not only can these broadcasters set up a subscription fee on their channels,  they can also set up donations which is where most serious dedicated broadcaster make their major income. 

Money and Power to The Player

Now with the recent Shareplay 2.0 Update announcement coming to PS4 this fall. Sony could potential provide a similar sort of opportunity to those who share their streams with others gamers in return for a fee. The potential to expand Shareplay into an income stream for gamers who invest in popular games early could be a lucrative venture for both Sony and Players alike. Especially with socially connected games like DriveClub and Destiny on their way. Sony could expand the share play functionality to more than one streaming console at a time, doubling or even tripling their earning potential. This way those who wish to rather play the latest PS4 games than buy it, could enjoy sharing this experience at a cost much less than they would pay for the full game. Kind of like a virtual online arcade. 

What do you think of this idea? Let us know in the comments below. 

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