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Monday 11 August 2014

Titanfall Ripped Off Idea From Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare

 Imitation Is The Best Form Of Flattery 

August 11th, 2014 By Mont Brown


We got a chance to view Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare multiplayer reveal trailer a few hours ago and though a lot of gamers have reacted negatively to the uncanny resemblance between the trailer and Xbox One's exclusive Titanfall, what you may not know is that Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare was actually in development two years before Titanfall.

Not only that, did you know some of Titanfall's developers used to work on Call of Duty? with many well aware of the games futuristic concept and various mechanics like the double jump system and the exo-suit.

In an exclusive interview with Gamespsot, Glen Schofiled from Sledgehammer Games did in fact comment on the possible comparisons by stating they had begun research and development on Call of Duty advanced Warfare before COD Modern Warefare 3 had even shipped out to retailers.

The team had been inspired by seeing the use of exoskeletons in various medical journals and the army utilizing the technology.  It was over two years into development on Call Of Duty's Advanced Warfare features like the double boost jump mechanics that they heard about Titanfall using similar functions in  their game.

Our Thoughts. . .

When it's all said and done, imitation is the best form of flattery, but not when that imitation affects the credibility of a game yet to officially launch. We do understand that developers will take inspiration from what has already been done, but in this case it just may be unfortunate for Sledgehammer Games to be releasing Call of Duty Advanced Warfare after Titanfall, though they came up with the futuristic concept first.

Despite this, we expect Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will still go on to do extremely well based on current pre-order demands and a strong loyal fan base to the series. What do you think of todays trailer below? Leave us your thoughts in the comments.


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