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Sunday 17 August 2014

Until Dawn: You Choose Who Lives Or Dies

Until Dawn: The Power Of Life and Death In Your Hands

August 17th, 2014 By Mont Brown


One of the most astonishing reveals from Sony's Gamescom 2014 event was from Supermassive Games' terrifying shocker, Until Dawn. Updates about this title was pretty much non existence since it last appeared at Comicon 2012 in New York. It was originally pegged to be a PS3 Move focused style game during that announcement but Supermassive have since dumped the Move Controller and the Playstation 3 in exchange for the PlayStation 4 and the ultra responsive DualShock4. Until Dawn is now taking a new frightening darker approach to the original teenage horror flick they first unveiled. Based of this Hollywood inspired cinematic trailer below, we think they have definitely made the right decision.

Until Dawn will no longer be a 1st person view game like most recent horror genre's,  instead it will be played in 3rd person mode with the angle of the camera fixed to you and the action ahead. While most may gripe about this new direction in the camera mode, we think from the demo we saw at Gamescom this new camera angle still adds to the eerie effect and atmosphere you feel while navigating cautiously around every dark corner.

Until Dawn tells the story of  8 friends who spend the night in a log cabin in memory of their friends death.  Like every good horror film, things quickly begin to take a turn for the worse as the group are separated.

The game is still in its early stages of development so it's still not clear which direction Supermassive Games are going to take this. What we do know however is that there will be loads of story development with Supermassive Games boasting over a thousand different endings! Which is made possible due to the in-games "Butterfly Effect" Technology. The concept is based on every decision and action you take, be it big or small from picking up an object to killing off another character will have a knock on effect on the rest of the story from that point onwards.

All the characters can be killed with the story evolving around the remaining characters the longer you play. Supermassive Games tells us there is no right or wrong way to play the game, although you will face some pretty tough decision that will test your loyalty and friendships to the limits.

Check out the launch trailer and tell us what you think in the comments below.



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