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Monday 15 September 2014

Now You Can Preview Your Guardians Shader In Destiny Using This Awesome Feature

Make Your Guardian Look Great

September 15th, 2014 By Richard Lois


Destiny Tracker is a new website that allows you to preview your Guardians outfit color scheme before you invest. The idea came about after gamers realized they weren't able to preview Shaders before they buy it in Destiny's Tower.

Destiny Tracker lets you preview your own character in every single known shader so you can at least see exactly what your Hunter, Titan or Warlock will look like once you change outfits.

Our Thoughts  . . .

Due to Destiny's deep customization options, we are surprised Bungie did not consider adding this preview feature to the game already.

Destiny tracker is a smart and innovative way of letting gamers add another level of personal customization to their characters thus standing out from the crowd of millions of players online. It's also a great way to plan ahead with friends on particular color settings you may all like to wear for online fire team PvP death matches.

We are sure Bungie will eventually address this issue if enough people request it, but until then why not head over to Destiny Tracker to preview each color scheme and shader now.



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