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Monday 20 October 2014

Shadow Warrior: Slice The Heads Of Demons This Week

Shadow Warrior: Out This Week On PlayStation 4

October 20, 2014 By Dean Howard



Put away your gun and pull out your Katana as Shadow Warrior makes its world debut on PS4 this week. Developed by Flying Wild Hog and Devolver Digital, Shadow Warrior puts you right in the front seat of  this first person shoot and slash rail style action adventure.

In preparation for  the big launch, Fork Parker from Devolver Digital has come to share some useful tips with us that can help get your adventure under-way.

Although Shadow Warrior is viewed as  a first person game, Fork tells us that shooting gangs of yakuza is the least fun or effective method for Lo Wang the hero the game to overcome his enemies.  Instead players are advised to use Wang's trusty Katana as a means of dishing out justice to all those foolish enough to stand in his way.

The Katana when mastered correctly is the most powerful weapon in Shadow Warrior. Unlike other FPS games that rely on a shoot from the hip and hope it lands. Shadow Warrior puts the blade right in your hand with well timed strikes able to sever body parts with one quick swoosh.

Regardless of one demon or a gang of Yakuza surrounding you, Lo Wang has a bag of devastating Ninja  sword cutting techniques like the 360-degree spin to take care of them all.

Shadow Warrior will be out this week on PS4, check out the trailer and tell us what you think.


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