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Saturday 27 December 2014

Little Girl Cries Unboxing PS4 To Find Rocks

A Cruel Joke: Naughty Or Nice 

December 28, 2014 By Dean Howard

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A 13 year old girl and her Uncle Igor Baksht were both shocked and disappointed to discover the PlayStation 4 Bundle he'd bought her for Christmas was nothing more than an empty box filled with two bags of rocks. Mr Baksht had purchased the console from Walmart where it was being retailed for $399. The Walmart store then refused to exchange or give back the money claiming they had no proof of the condition in which the system was originally sold.

Igor Baksht claimed he had been planning to surprise his 13 year old niece with the PS4 for Christmas and had gone into the Stapleton Walmart store last week Friday to buy it. Mr Baksht told WPTV that a Walmart staff member had pulled the gaming console from a locked cabinet telling him it was a previously returned item. Although the console did feel heavy, Mr Baksht felt nothing weird about his purchase since he couldn't judge the internal content based solely on its weight.

What should have been a nice surprise for his niece come Christmas day, turned out to be nothing but two bags of rocks wrapped in duct tape after Mr Baksht got back home.

Lucky for Mr Baksht, Walmart have since changed their mind after the local media caught wind of the story refunding him on Christmas Eve despite not being able to prove the authenticity of his story.

Check out the video below of this bizarrely funny story and tell us if you think Walmart was right to refund Mr Baksht his money for the PlayStation 4.

Source: WPTV

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