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Tuesday 6 January 2015

18.5 Million PS4 Units Sold Worldwide

More Gamers On Sony's Network As PlayStation 4 Hits New Sales Records

January 6th, 2015 By Mont Brown

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On Tuesday, Sony Corp reported they had sold over 18.5 million PlayStation 4 units worldwide as of January 4th, 2015. This figure is up from the previous 13.5 million units last year October 2014,  indicating strong growth and demand for the console.

Andrew House head of Sony said, Holiday request for the PlayStation 4 in Europe was so strong it was difficult keeping up with consumer demands. This recent uptrend is also a positive indicator for Sony, since the company has struggled with Smartphones and TV sales six years in a row.

The PlayStation 4 launched over 1 year, 2 month ago in North America and has quickly becoming the fastest selling console in the world.


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