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Tuesday 27 August 2013

Driveclub Does Taxi Service "Like a Boss" #PlaystationGC

Playstation Fans Take Taxi Ride In #Driveclub Mercedes SLS

By Maya Mayfield
27th August 2013


Imagine arriving at Cologne Germany Airport on your way to the Gamescom Conference. You put your bags down outside the terminal and shout out TAXI! To your surprise and everybody else's, a custom made Mercedes SLS zooms up fast and furious style, with batman swing up doors. Arnold schwarzenegger from terminator is in the drivers seat, he leans towards the open swung up passenger door and says . . .

Okay this is not exactly what happened to Dan Maher the press panel host at #PlaystationGC, or the lucky winners of the Playstation win a trip to Gamescom 2013 competition.  
However we are sure minus an Arnold schwarzenegger from Terminator, they still had the best ride of their lives. Driveclub will be available on the PS4 from launch day 15th of November in the US and 29th of November in Europe.

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