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Monday 30 September 2013

Sony Promises Download Improvements On PS4, after GTA 5 Online Crashes and Burns

Sony Promises Download Improvements On Playstation 4, after GTA 5 Online Crashes and Burns.

By Mont Brown
30th September 2013

Sony are promising an improvement on their online download service with the PS4, after PS3 owners have been struggling with GTA 5 Online.
Gamers of the GTA V has seen their online gameplay interrupted,  with many unable to connect to Rockstar Social club to save pictures, from their game.

Some Playstation 3 owners have even complained of not being able to download Grand Theft Auto 5 at all from Playstation's Network. With many seeing error codes and corrupted files.

Fergal Gera from Sony, has promised that this sort of problems won't be occurring on the Playstation 4, especially as we are moving into a new era of gaming , where more and more gamers will be playing online with friends.

"Let me first start by saying the online demand trend is going to keep increasing," said Fergal Gera to "Sony are designing new methods, which will make it more appealing for gamers to want to download  games on PS4."

A perfect example of what Gera was referring to is of course the Play as you download feature, which means gamers don't have to wait for an entire game file to download on their Playstation 4 before they can start playing.

The flip side to this is that game files are actually getting larger, with Killzone: Shadow Fall for example reaching 50GB, said Fergal Gera.

Gera also made sure to clear up concerns about the downloadable version of GTA 5, being inferior in quality to GTA 5 disk and HDD versions. Mentioning that this is something Sony intends to improve with the Playstation 4.

"The file version of GTA 5 game versus the GTA 5 disc version  maybe need to go through additional Questions and Answers, as well as further testing," said Fergal Gera.

"Some of the problems being experienced by gamers have been on much older  PS3 consoles, which gamers will not experience on the newer Sony PS4 console." explained Fergal Gera.
Games are created on newer machines and back ported to play on old consoles, so we can definitely see his point on that.
Besides, the PS3 is reaching its 9 or 10 year now, so considering how much further we have come with gaming technology, it is understandable, that there will be some teething problems, when it comes to newer games ported on the old console.

Gera finally finished by saying that this is of course a major focus for Sony and it is an area of major investment for them.
He promised that the network will perform better on several layers in future, because it becomes much more than just a portal for sales or gaming, but an increased social network as well.

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