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Friday 1 November 2013

Sony Teases PocketStation Video “Something That Will Shake The Gaming Industry Is Coming November 5th”

Sony Teases PocketStation Video 

By Maya Mayfield 2013
1st November 2013


Sony Computer Entertainment Japan has revealed a wacky, but funny video teaser today showing Toro the local mascot driving a mysterious white truck to a secretive location.

The video was uploaded on PlayStation Japan’s official website under the caption of “something that is going to shake the gaming industry” and it ends with a message indicating a major announcement about PocketStation on November 5th.

The press release together with the video, included a brief description on the history of Sony's original PocketStation, released back in 1999. The PocketStation device was used as both a memory card and a handheld companion device for the original Playstation1. It had a LCD screen, and five buttons, used to control portable mini games that were linked to a few of Playstation one's game titles.

PocketStation's most popular game was Dokodemo Issho, starring Sony's famous white cat.
The mystery news that will shake the gaming industry will be out November 5th. Make sure you stay tuned to find out what it is.

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