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Thursday 19 December 2013

Here is what happens when you are 1st in line at a PS4 Launch

First In Line At PS4 Launch Singapore: The Early Bird Does Get The Worm

December 19th, 2013 By Maya Mayfield


Aaron Tan a 38 year old gentleman who works in advertising did not want to miss getting his hands on the latest Playstation 4 during its launch in Singapore, so he waited in line since 5:00am this morning just to make sure he wouldn't miss out on greatness.  Mr Tan said his early arrival was due to having the day off work, and was surprised to find he was the first one there.

For his patience and dedication Mr Aaron Tan was rewarded with his Pre-ordered PS4 console, redeemable vouchers for the PS Vita TV coming out in 2014, and a one year PS plus membership, by none other than Sony's, Oda-san.

Mr Aaron Tan who raised the PS4 over his head in celebration, should feel victorious as he had beat three hundred people, with hundreds more lining up by the time the event began. The event was for Pre-ordered consoles only, so everyone was going to take home a piece of greatness, but not everyone was going home with a PS Vita TV voucher or a one year PS Plus membership.

I guess the Stars were aligned and favored Mr Tan today, and we hope he enjoys his brand new Playstation 4.

Source: GamesinAsia

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