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Monday 17 March 2014

Aztez Will Blow Up Your PS4 and PSVita

Aztez The Beat-Em-Up Strategy Game Coming Soon To Playstation 4 and PSVita

March 17th, 2014, By Dean Howard


Ben Ruiz Combat Designer at Team Colorblind has shared their epic new title with us today. Ben describes Aztez as a brutal, bloody, expressive, difficult yet very addictive and repayable action game. Team Colorblind is a two man duo with Ben and Mathew Wegner. The two guys have been working on Aztez for the past two years and from this teaser trailer released earlier today and gifs, Aztez looks like its going to be one bad-ass game.

Ben describes Aztez as two games combined into one. The first of which is a full on beat-em-up combat gameplay inspired by games such as Bayonetta, Capcom's Alien Vs Predator, and Devil May Cry.

The second part of Aztez is designed to play like an empire management strategy game, hence the earlier mentioned repayable factor. Although putting these two combinations of gaming together may seem like an odd decision to make. Ben however does tell us that this was a decision him and Mathew made as they felt it would be better than just creating a standard beat-em-up platformer only. This way you will also get a chance to rewrite parts of history if you do well in the strategy element of Aztez.

We are really loving the unique combat design of Aztez and can't wait to discover more from Team Colourblind in the not so distant future.


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