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Tuesday 11 March 2014

TowerFall Ascension Out Today on PS4

Lords Of The Bow and Arrow . . . Fight!

March 11th, 2o14, by Maya Mayfield


Archers grab your bow and arrow and lets get to shooting. TowerFall Ascension is officially out today on PS4 and for those who have never heard of TowerFall Ascension before, now is your chance to get to know as we guarantee hours of fun playing this wild multiplayer bow and arrows caper with friends.
TowerFall is an archery platform game that features intense local multiplayer battles as well as a dynamic solo - or co-operative mission mode. This is one game we recommend inviting a few friends over for drinks, nachos and pizza as you battle your way to victory Bow and Arrow style.

We are firm believers in supporting indie developers as they are the life blood and future of this industry so in saying that we would like to say a big congratulations to Indie Developer Matt Thorson from Matt Makes Games Inc for his awesome debut release of TowerFall Ascension. We highly recommend you all to go and check it out right now.

You can also keep in touch with Matt and give him feedback on his awesome game on Twitter

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