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Thursday 3 July 2014

How To Fix PSN Sub Accounts To Master Accounts

From Sub To Master Of The Universe 

July 3rd, 2014 By Mont Brown


In todays topic, we would like to discuss how Sony could fix the PSN Sub account to Master Account issue. This is yet another highly requested feature that PlayStation's community members have been asking for Sony to update.

I remember the first time I got my PlayStation One. I was 12 years old at the time and it was probably the best surprise I ever received. Back then my parents weren't concerned with what sort of games I was playing, the age appropriate content or my social interactions online. Not because they didn't care, but because those games or features didn't exist at least to my knowledge anyway. Fast forward to the launch of PS3, and the introduction to Playstation's Network (PSN) back in 2006,  where the concept of buying and playing games online really started to take on a life of its own.

Even back then as more and more people adopted this idea of playing games online and interacting with one another via the network, my parents really never vetted or paid much attention to what I was doing, maybe because they didn't really get the concept. It was only when I became an adult that my awareness of what types of content my little 10 year old Nephew could access online became a major priority and concern for me and his parents.

Setting up a Sub account via my Master Account, I was at least able to safely vet the types of online content and games he could access via PSN. Being an avid gamer like myself, he has managed to accumulate tons of trophies, achievements and leaderboard notoriety among his circle of friends, five years down the road.

These achievements are understandably very important to him and rightly so. They are years of epic adventures culminated over hours of playing games like Ratchet and Clank, Little Big Planet, to Gran Turismo 5 and Need For Speed to name but a few.

Unfortunately it appears all these achievements and trophies will not be carried over from the sub account I created for him almost 5 years ago to a master account according to Sony's TOS when he turns 18.


Coming Of Age

During our research on this subject, we found one of the biggest reasons people want Sony to fix this problem is due to the limitations placed on sub accounts, especially when these sub account holders now come of age. Why should all these achievements, trophies even circle of friends gathered over years and hundreds of hours be lost forever when you turn 18? So how can Sony fix this problem? The entire team came together to brain storm a few ideas.

How To Fix PSN Sub Accounts To Master Accounts

We don't think the overall logistics of changing Sub Accounts to Master Accounts will be an easy task for any large company like Sony to handle considering the millions of details on PlayStation's network, but it definitely isn't impossible.  Here are a few suggestions we think could be implemented into future firmware updates to resolve the problem.

  • PSN could implement a Sub account to Master Account function that automatically counts down and transitions from the moment the Sub account is created to its 18th birthday.  

  • PSN could lift restrictions on Sub Accounts by verifying Sub Accounts are now of age via the initial Master Account holder. 

  • PSN Sub account holders could send picture ID's online, like a driving license to verify their age like on Facebook.    

Let us know what you think of these ideas and how you think Sony could upgrade Sub Accounts to Master Accounts? Leave us your comments below. If you are affected by this, make your voice heard by joining the thousands of PlayStation members who have already voted for Sony to convert their sub accounts to Master accounts right HERE. Alternatively you can join the petition on Facebook.  

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