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Friday 8 August 2014

Destroy The Bleakness In The Last Tinker: City of Colors Out August 19

Overcome The Bleakness with Finesse 

August 2014 By Maya Mayfield


LOOT Entertainment have announced the release of The Last Tinker on PS4. This charming little title is about bringing harmony to the broken districts of Colortown where a mysterious force known as the Bleakness has taken over the world.

The Last Tinker's unique  style of gameplay will require gamers to take a more finesse approach to advancing forward rather than button smashing their way through. Players will have control of different colors as a means to defeating powerful foes. Jason Sorensen from LOOT entertainment informs us that players will even be conducting a symphony at one point. (How cool is that.)

The Last Tinker will be out this August 19th on PlayStation 4, check out the new trailer and tell us your thoughts in the comments.  You can also follow LOOT on Twitter, Facebook and their official website to discover more from them.

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