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Thursday 7 August 2014

Did Casey Hudson Leave Bioware Over Mass Effect 4?

Casey Hudson Say's Goodbye To Bioware 

August 7th, 2014 By Maya Mayfield


The gaming industry is shocked and saddened by todays news of Casey Hudson's departure from Bioware and although on the surface, his resignation letter may appear to focus on a new direction, we wonder if there is more to this sudden announcement than meets the eye.

Casey's letter details the current state of Bioware's projects, which has given him a great opportunity to exit the company:

In the same post, Bioware's general manager Aaryn Flyn thanks Hudson for all his service and hard work.

Casey Hudson has had an incredible 16 long year career at Bioware and has been responsible for spearheading one of the best trilogies in gaming history with the Mass Effect series. Though Mass Effect 1 and 2 was a resounding success, Mass Effect 3's finale didn't quite live up to the grand ending fans of the long running franchise had been expecting.

Our Thoughts . . .

As stated in Casey's letter above, all seems to be well with Bioware's development on their newest IP as well as work on Mass Effect 4, but his sudden announcement does raise concerns as to the direction of where the new Mass Effect 4 might be heading, especially since this was Casey's baby. We suspect creative differences may have been what was probably the cause of his decision on a project he has tirelessly worked to develop. Despite this news, we wish Casey all the best in his future endeavors and are very much looking forward to what he has install for the future.

Why do you think Casey left Bioware? Leave your thoughts below.

Source: Bioware

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