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Friday 1 August 2014

How To Survive In Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare

Plant's Helpful Tips to Surviving The Zombie Hordes 

August 1st 2014, By Mont Brown


Chris Fox lead game designer on Plant Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare has taken some time from his busy schedule to lend some very helpful survival tips on the upcoming title coming out on PS4 and PS3 this August 19th.

First up Plant Vs. Zombies split-screen configuration will feature you and a friend teaming up to keep your Garden safe from an endless siege of the undead. With only 2 plants taking on the full force of Dr. Zomboss’ minions, Chris advices that character selection is pivotal to overcoming this challenge. While most characters can do relatively well, selecting the right sidekick on this challenge can help turn the tide in your favour.

For example The Sunflower and Pea Shooter are natural companions. She's a healer and he is a mid range specialist Though this perfect duo may be an obvious combination, what isn't so obvious is the Chomper and Cactus can be a great team when also paired together. The Chomper’s ability to bite through armour enable him to get rid of annoying Outhouse and Coffin zombies, allowing the Cactus to use its long range sniper range to pick them off away from harms way.

In Garden Warfare each controllable class has up to 7 unlock-able variables, complete with different characteristics and weapons. Some of these are better designed to co-op play modes than others. One great example Chris explains is the Power Cactus. Her electric power shots can carry over to several enemies at once, damaging an entire group of zombies with a single blast of her bolt. Power Cactus is especially useful for clearing low HP zombies within your garden.

Another great tip just like the original PvZ is to place your plants in strategic locations in order to secure victory especially as the levels get more challenging.  A great strategy we discovered is to place powerful, melee-focused plants close to your garden. That way you can keep them safe with other ranged plants like the Cactus or Pea-shooter. Like with any good strategy puzzler, the more you experiment the better you will get, so we advice you to switch up tactics in order to discover what works for you.

 Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare on PS4 will be available on August 19th 2014.



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