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Friday 9 August 2013

PS4's Gameplay Capture is Unlimited - Rumour

PS4's Gameplay Recording News  - Rumour

By Maya Mayfield
9th August 2013


New Rumours are indicating that Playstation 4's gameplay recording feature will be unlimited.
It was previously suggested that the PS4's gameplay recording feature, will only be limited to 15 minutes of capture, but an anonymous source by the alias name of Dagson at Kotaku, has said this is not the case.

"It  actually doesn't stop at 15 minutes," states Dagson. "The 15 minute feature is before you even begin to record gameplay. The PS4 holds a record of your gameplay for the last 15 minutes  in case you make an unexpected change. The record and streaming feature however is unlimited."
Dagson then went on to say, "The Playstation 4 allows you to upload, video capture to your PSN, or save them to the hard drive, where they can then be exported into software like Final Cut for editing."

When Dagson was questioned of how he was able to attain this information, he said he was unable to say, apart from the fact that he is working for a studio that has two unannounced multi-platform games currently in development for the next gen console.
Sony has yet to release a statement confirming any of this, but we will let you guys know once they do.

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