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Sunday 29 September 2013

Pach-Attack Predicts PS4 will Outsell Xbox One on launch day with 1.5 Million Units

Pach-Attack Predicts Playstation 4 will Outsell Xbox One on launch day with 1.5 Million Units

By Maya Mayfield
29th September 2013


As we boldly step into a new era of gaming with the release of the next-gen consoles only two months away. Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter has made yet another bold prediction on which console he believes will sell more on launch day. In his show Pach-attack. Michael Pachter said that while both consoles are doing relatively well on Pre-orders, he is leaning towards the Playstation 4, stealing the final victory from  Xbox One.

Pach-Attack-Predicts-Playstation-4-will-Outsell-Xbox-One-on-launch-day-with-1.5-Million-Units "Sony has already revealed the Playstation 4 has a million pre-orders, so it's looking like a million Playstation 4's on the first day. All  pre-orders will be filled for both consoles. I just went to Amazon and there are no Xbox One pre-orders available for same day launch. Instead they guarantee it by Dec. 31, so Microsoft have sold out of their pre-order quantities as well. I was surprised by Sony's one million pre-order," says Pachter,

"so I talked with Jack Tretton about this and he confirmed Sony will have a lot more units following those million pre-orders at launch."

Based on that conversation, Michael Pachter is banking that the Playstation 4 will sell a total of 1.5 million units, to Xbox One's 1 million units on launch day.

All we have to do now is wait and see if he is correct. Anyone care to place a friendly wager on Pach-attacks predictions?
What are your sale predictions for PS4 and Xbox One? Do you think Playstation 4 will outsell Xbox One on release day? Let us know.

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