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Tuesday 18 March 2014

inFAMOUS Second Son Gets A SuperHuman Sound Design

inFAMOUS Second Son SuperHuman Sound Qaulity

March 18th, 2014, by Maya Mayfield

inFAMOUS Second Son is only days away now and today we get to hear some of the audio sound design from the PS4 exclusive title. Brad Meyer Audio Director at Sucker Punch tells us the team wanted to create something that would not only astonish gamers visual but through the medium of sound as well. So before any concept art work was even created. Sucke Punch worked on creating a language for each power set, which was the n used for developing the designs of each set.

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The Powerful sound effect of Smoke was created by a combination of charcoal, air, and extinguishing flames, while neon was created by strapping a mic on the teams Sly Cooper neon sign as well as recording various other sounds like fluorescent tubes, a very long induction coil and electromagnetic interference. To capture the authentic ambiance and atmosphere of Seattle where inFAMOUS Second Son takes place. Brad tells us the team went around the entire city with microphones capturing the unique nuances that makes the game sound as authentic as being there yourself.  From birds, car alarms, sirens, traffic and of course rain.

After collecting all the sound data needed, Brad and his team said they finished their final mix of the game at Sony's Bidgepointe Studio. In addition to this Sucker Punch has also worked with Playstation's hardware to develop a custom audio mix to go with the brand new Playstation Gold Wireless Stereo Headset, providing unrivaled enhancement both in audio mode sound performance. Brad tells us these custom audio mix modes will be available for the Gold Wireless Headset via the Headset Companion App from this 21st of March when inFAMOUS Second Son makes its official worldwide debut.

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