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Monday 5 May 2014

Amplitude on PS4 and PS3: Harmonix Needs Help To Make it Happen

Amplitude on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 The Beat Blaster Goes On

May 5, 2014 By Maya Mayfield


Harmonix are looking for support from PlayStation fans via Kickstarter pledges to help launch a new version of their Dualshock-controlled rhythm action classic previously released on PlayStation 2. Ryan Lesser Art Director from Harmonix is hoping to bring Amplitude to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 and they need your help.

Harmonix developed their first music rhythm game title FreQuency on PlayStation 2 thirteen years ago, despite the game not being a major hit commercially, fans and critics did love it and Harmonix were confident they could better. After tweaking and polishing the game, Harmonix released FreQuency's sequel titled Amplitude back in 2003 on PlayStation 2.

Amplitude is a fast-paced rollercoatser ride set in a sci-fi digital landscape where musical notes have been silenced by encapsulating gems. By destroying these gems with your ship, the Beat Blaster, players unlock the music within. Each track on this wild ride represents a certain instrument, so gems can turn on sounds including bass lines, guitar riffs, drum beats, vocal lines and much more.

Players will be able to destroy music covered gems building the rhythm as they fly from from track to track. After  locking that soundscape, players will be able to transition to the next musical section.

Players can build multipliers and skyrocket their scores by blasting notes to grab power-ups and successive musical phrases.

You can support Harmonix by heading over to KickStarter now and making a pledge to see Amplitude on PS4 and PS3.


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