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Tuesday, 13 May 2014

CD Pojekt Dev: The Witcher 3, PS4 Version Better Resolution Than Xbox One

The Witcher 3 On PS4 Said To Have Better Resolution 

May 13, 2014 By Maya Mayfield


CD Projekt's latest statement of the Upcoming RPG Witcher 3 on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One is sure to re-ignite the on-going battle of the console war between PS4 and Xbox One fanboys and girls. According to the Developer the upcoming action role playing game The Witcher 3 is looking very likely to hit PS4's 1080p's resolution, but falling short on Xbox One.

However the developers did also mention that this shouldn't really matter much to gamers, as it really is very difficult to tell if it is 720p or 1080p based on information received from the guys at tech.

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"We had a discussion in the studio about it and asked our technicians to explain how it works, after reviewing a complicated graph, we summarized that if I have a TV screen of this size, and I sit 1 or 2 meters from it, then I may see the difference," explains CD project's dev, stating this sort of information is more important to Sony based on a PR point of view than to core gamers.

So we turn the discussion over to you core gamers. Does the resolution from 720p to 1080p truly matter? Do you notice a difference, we  certainly notice a difference between the two resolutions when playing PS4 games on our 65 inch 4K Ultra HD Sony Bravia TV.

Let us know your opinions in the comments below.

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