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Friday 27 June 2014

Celebrate Greatness And Vote for an Inspiring PS4 Gamer

Who Will You Pick To Win The Greatness Award 

June 27th, 2014 By Dean Howard


During E3 2014 Sony introduced “Where the Greatest Play” a gaming inspired mural, which was painted throughout the entire  week long event in LA. Sony then asked PlayStation fans  at the conference to vote for their favorite PlayStation character to be the chief flag bearer in the artistic gamer inspired masterpiece, where Nathan Drake, Naughty Dog's legendary action adventure hero was chosen as the winner.

Since then, Sony have now decided to cast the vote to PlayStation's online community in order for those who missed E3 2014 to also get involved in choosing who you think should be forever immortalized into PlayStation's visual Gamer Masterpiece. To participate visit to see the top 5 selected extraordinary gamers and cast your vote for the gamer that inspires you to greatness.

Check out the E3 painting in development video at E3 2014 and go cast your vote now.

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