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Friday 18 July 2014

New Info On Styx: Master of Shadows Unlikely Hero Revealed

Styx: Not Your Usual Super Hero

July 18th, 2014 By Maya Mayfield


Styx: Master of Shadows is a sneaky stealth platformer set in a dark, mature, fantasy world.

Game Director Julien Desourteaux, informs us that the teams goal was to return to the games original roots, revisited through a unique character by the name of  Styx — a sneaky, nimble, sarcastic goblin.

Master of Shadows will require players to use strategy and reflection, utilizing several details to progress through each stage. Julien tells us gamers will have access to plenty of powerful tools that must be used wisely in order to secure Victory.

Who is  our Hero Styx? 

Unlike other chiseled jaw, hunky Super hero's, Styx is a fragile skillful goblin assassin that does very well sneaking and hiding in the shadows. Obsessed with the Amber, Styx would do everything in his power to reach the ultimate source of this mysterious substance — the Heart and Soul of the Tree. Exceedingly cunning, he will always find a way to solving this challenge by any means possible.

What is The Amber?

The Amber — a powerful and extremely rare substance — gives Styx a wide variety of magical powers, such as enhanced senses, invisibility and the skill to summon and control disposable clones of himself. But all these incredible powers come at a significant price . . .  Styx obsession and addiction to Amber brings with it unending mental torture and torment, causing him to slowly sink into a state of madness without it. (Just imagine, My Precious Crazy Old Golem from Lord of The Rings.)

About the Universe.

The Heart of the Tree is very well fortified within the human Tower of Akenash, a mighty fortress built with the help of the elves that dwell around the tree. As time passed, the tower became a center of knowledge, power, and mystery. The upper regions contain the apartments owned by the governor, the embassy where human beings receive diplomats from the 4 corners of the kingdom, the great ancient library, and the air ship docks. The upper levels are the only places that can get sunlight.
Below the dome that covers the World Tree, are the army barracks, prison quarters, and alchemy laboratories where the humans are desperately trying to master the sometimes destructive and volatile power of Amber. The longer players descend into Akenash, the closer they get to the world Tree and the powerful elves that protect it. This is a place full of danger lurking behind every corner.

An Open-Closed Adventure.

The verticality and level development of Akenash will provide gamers with a large range of possibilities that can help them to out-smart the towers residents in order to achieve their goal. There is more than one way to get from point A-B with multiple solutions. Styx is made up of open locations, where gamers will discover loads of different ways to explore. Take a look at the brand new trailer and tell us what you think in the comments below.


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