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Friday 29 August 2014

5 Things We Can't Wait To Experience In Batman: Arkham Knight

What we want to see In Batman: Arkham Knight 

August 29th, 2014 By Mont Brown


The eagerly anticipated Batman Arkham Knight is set to launch in 2015 and though RockSteady have been teasing us with a few gameplay recently. These are the 5 things we can't wait to experience when the dark knight makes his debut next year on PlayStation 4.

1) The Brand New Batmobile

Batman finally gets to ride around in his armored tank and from the looks of the trailers, the Batmobile is not only going to be a speed demon, blazing through the streets of Gotham city, it will also pack one hell of a punch with armor-piercing cannon rounds and a crowd controlling non lethal riot gun.

2) New Fear Tactic Knock-Outs

From previous iterations of the Arkham series, we really enjoyed scaring the crap out of  enemies  as we lurk in the shadows. Where there really wasn't much benefit to doing this apart from the fiendishly evil pleasure of it all, Batman can actually now use this new element of building up fear to his advantage.

RockSteady has said if you can successfully create a sense of panic amongst 3 guards simultaneously, Batman will be able to takedown all three of them in a blur of lightning fast - combination attacks from one thug to the next.

Batman's combat technics has also evolved a great deal from previous series, so expect a ton of new take-downs and never before seen combat moves on Arkham Knight.

3) A Whole New Open Gotham City
With each new Arkham series, Rocksteady has been pushing the boundaries of the Batman Universe literally to new dimensions. In Arkham Knight the studio has said this will be the biggest open world they have ever made in the entire franchise. Although you may not see pedestrians taking a leisurely stroll down Gotham's war-torn streets, there will be a sense of life, from shop fronts, steam pipes, street lights  and an amazing skyline. All these elements will help create a sense of buzz and energy amidst the chaotic city as you fly through the shadows surveying the landscape beneath you.

4) New Iconic Villains 

Rocksteady has revealed a few of the iconic baddies lined up for Batman to face in Arkham Knight, from Two-Face, The Penguin, Harley Quinn, The Riddler and of course Batman's nemesis  the Arkham Knight, a mysterious new villain able to match Batman both in combat and tactical skills.

What we really enjoyed in Arkham City was the side missions that unveiled new enemies like Deadshot or finding out Hush's twisted plans for Batman and the City he is sworn to protect. This eager expectation to know what new villains will be in Arkham Knight is of course due to the fact that Batman's main antagonist, "The Joker" might not be in this final game.

Rocksteady has said the Joker will not be in Arkham Knight but we are secretly hopeful to see the maniacal clown at some point during the game.

5) An Epic Finale To The Arkham Franchise

Pre-Order Batman Arkham Knight Today
They usually say the most memorable moment in any movie, game or book is its ending. A good ending can be enough to place an entire series within the hall of fame as proved by the Harry Potter series for example, or a bad ending  could leave fans feeling cheated and confused  as in the Mass Effect 3 trilogy finale.

Arkham Knight will be Rocksteady's last big final test as we eagerly anticipate what the team will do to close the globally popular Arkham series.  This does't mean the end of Batman however, but what it does signify is the team handing back development rights to Warner Bros for them to decide what to do next with the Batman franchise.  The Arkham series has to be one of the best created comic book video game series we have ever played and it will not only be interesting to see what Rocksteady does to close things out on their watch of the iconic hero, but what the future now holds for Batman under a new developer.

Tell us what you are most interested in experiencing on the new Batman Arkham Knight in the comments and pre-order your copy of Batman Arkham Knight today.

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