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Tuesday 26 August 2014

inFAMOUS First Light: Quick Neon Flash Review


August 26th,  2014 By Maya Mayfield


inFamous First Light is officially out today on PlayStation 4 and after what was a relatively quick download of Sucker Punches's latest DLC. We were able to get right into the game and experience first hand what it's like playing as Abigail "Fetch" Walker from her difficult time on the streets of Seattle to, her solitary confinement and DUP training in Curdun Cay to become a Neon wielding super killer.

The first thing we noticed is Fetch's Neon powers and combat abilities are all brand new compared to that of inFamous second Son Delsin Rowe. These new skills did take quite a bit of getting used to as I had to remind myself that I wasn't controlling Delsin but a totally new character in the inFamous Universe.

To master her skills required getting used to moving at a much quicker pace than normal. Once you do get accustomed to her controls however, you will find Fetch to be a lot of fun to play with.  Unlike Delsin, Fetch can easily jump across several high rise rooftops at incredible speeds and blaze up buildings in beautiful neon light.

 inFAMOUS-First-Light-Quick-Neon-Flash-Review-PS4-GamesUnleashing several of Fetch's powerful abilities on the D.U.P. is very satisfying to watch as she strikes ferociously at enemies without skipping a beat. Like a flash, she can quickly disarm D.U.P soldiers with punishing finish moves. When surrounded, Fetch can pull of the neon singularity move, a super powerful air crushing ability that can throw enemies into mid-air, squeezing them into a small ball before blasting them across Seattle.

Though the story campaign is quite short lasting only 5-6 hours depending on how you play. There is so much additional content on First Light that in our opinion makes the $14.99 price tag well worth the money. From repayable arena's where Fetch can challenge dozens of D.U.P. soldiers in a survival mode type battle arena to the amazing photo mode where you can capture more of Seattle's gorgeous landscapes and landmarks. We are sure First Light will keep you entertained at least for a little while.


Fans of inFamous Second Son should be able to quickly get into this. Fetch is a totally different player to Delsin, with brand new moves and combat mechanics that makes First Light feel and play like to totally new game from Second Son. There are tons of contents to keep you busy and in our opinion worth the investment for what is essential a short AAA stand-alone game.



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