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Wednesday 31 December 2014

FBI Vs Lizard Squad: After PSN, Xbox Live Attacks

Lizard Squad Wants You To Spend Time With Family

December 31st, 2014 By Mont Brown

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The FBI have confirmed they are investigating the Lizard Squad a group claiming responsibility for the recent attacks on PSN and Xbox Live which knocked both PlayStation and Microsoft offline throughout the Christmas Holiday.

Gamers were left frustrated this Holiday season unable to get online because of the distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, which targets servers with junk data. This resulted in the potential loss of millions in digital transaction dollars for both companies as community members were unable to take advantage of discounted games on Christmas day.

A spokesperson for the bureau has since told Gamesbeat, “The FBI is investigating the matter and given the pending nature of the case, we cannot comment further.”

Lizard Squad has responded to this recent statement about the FBI investigation with a *Yawn* The group appear to be untouchable as previous FBI involvement in past attacks has failed to lead to any arrests of prominent members within the cyber attack group as yet.


Apparently one of the reasons for the attack was because the Lizard Squad believed more people should be spending more time with their families during the holidays than glued to the television playing games. What do you guys think about this news? Leave your comments and thoughts below.

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