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Friday 25 April 2014

Lords Of The Fallen Has Alternate Endings, Plus New Details On Challenge and Accessibility Revealed

Ci Games Reveal How Lords of The Fallen On PS4 Balances Challenge and Accessibility And Why it's Worth Facing

April 25, 2014, By Maya Mayfield


Tomasz Gop executive producer at Ci Games and makers of the upcoming Lords Of The Fallen has taking time from his busy schedule to share some new intel with us regarding the RPG coming to Playstation 4 later this year. Being a big fan of the RPG genre himself, Tomasz has taken a different point of view on gamers who normally grow impatient with challenging games and quit playing early.

"There is room for improvement in game development," said Tomasz, "and I believe the team behind Lords of the Fallen on Playstation 4 are working to close the gap between casual mainstream and hardcore gamers."

The first thing Ci games did to tackle this issue was to take on a different approach while developing Lords Of The Fallen's complex and challenging main features. By doing this Tomasz says they were able to streamline the rest of the game making it more palatable for casual mainstream players to also enjoy.

Tomasz tells us Lords Of The Fallen will set out to tell a story without forcing it. Players won't have to remember the name of the Fallen God Adyr, or memorize character names in order to follow the story.


Lords of The Fallen's opening narrative is a great place to start, as most of the information to get you going is right there. "Humanity defeats its gods thousand of years ago, after these gods and their demons are banished, men believe they can now get rid of all evil from human nature.  Those with the most sin are marked with tattoos on their faces as a sign to the world of their transgressions," says Tomasz, "but not digging deeper to discover this information from the codex of the most deadliest of sins will not hinder your gaming experience if you do not gather this information."

Most of the games major cinematic's will focus on introducing gamers to important enemies and combat events. Cutscenes integral to the story plot and twists will include movie-style effects and camera guided conversations, while most fables will be scattered across the world of LOTF in the form of Audio memoirs transcribed by various members that dwell there.

As for the combat mechanics, expect plenty of sub-systems with elemental damages, crafting and weapons like swords, hammers, spears, armor and shields. Choosing the right weapon is very important as these can vary depending on damage, speed, distance, types of combo attacks and counters attacks. However most of these weapons do have a lot in common, so once you master pulling off a particular chain of attack and evasive counter moveswith one, you can apply that skill to other similar weapons.


There will be items attached to particular things that will work at anytime or anywhere during the game, for example perfect timed or charge attacks. "The thing with challenging games is they can be a lot of fun and very rewarding if designed correctly, which means gamers can choose in their own pace how they wish to study and learn the core attributes of LOTF's mechanics."  Tomasz explains.

Ci Games have been developing Lords Of The Fallen for quite some time with early demo's of the fist chapter showing LOTF's, Hero Harkyn arriving at the Old Monastry with his mentor as they talk of why the demons have returned after thousand of years in banished exile. Lords Of The Fallen has a human and demon realm, which Tomasz explains, players will get to explore the  demons realm later on in the game to find out why these demons have returned.

Finally Tomasz also reveals that there is more than one ending in Lords Of The Fallen, which should make the game worth replaying as you lead Harkyn deeper underground to find the gigantic body of whom many believe is a Fallen God. We will keep you posted on more updates from Tomasz Gop and The Lords Of The Fallen title coming very soon to PS4.

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